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The pendulum plant is a classic in dynamic systems and control. This kit can be used to study self-erecting, inverted, and non-inverted pendulum plants.

Learning Objectives Include
Modeling and simulation of dynamic systems
Model validation
Parameter estimation
Disturbance rejection
Balance control (PID, LQR..)
Swing-up Control (Energy based, natural frequency)
Trajectory Optimization (for Swing-up)



Swing Up

Inverted Pendulum
We offer turnkey and plant only options:
Turnkey kit
Includes the plant, a DAQ, amplifier, Estop button.
Add-ons include power supply and computer.

Plant only
User provides DAQ, amplifier, Estop button, power supply and computer.

High Dynamics and Precision Plant

Plant configurations include:
Real-Time Controller
Our kits are designed to work with our DAQs, but can be easily interfaced with other DAQs and microcontrollers.
We use premium components with standard electrical signals.

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